sobota, 19 kwietnia 2014

Think Before You Hire- Ensuring Great Job Fit

Using employee assessments in the employee selection process maximizes job fit. Managers need a plan before they seek applicants. Good workers are difficult to find, and a manager needs to not only focus on stellar qualities, but also a person's ability to fit forum sportowe into a certain work culture or accomplish a particular job description.

Lucky is the organization that has the right people in the right place at the right time, or optimal job fit. These organizations operate like high-performance luxury automobiles, zooming along the highway while lesser engines chug, sputter, and die.

But does luck really drive them? A closer look shows job fit is at work when a company continuously operates at peak performance. We should look for the method of its people-the ones doing the driving as well as those regularly checking under forum sportowe the hood and kicking the tires.

If your workers are not helping your organization drive or maintain the car, then it's time to see if the job fit is amiss. Do your managers size up applicants up fairly, skillfully and efficiently by checking them out before they ever step foot in your organization? Or do they glance at resumes and fall for what they see on paper? The latter is the equivalent of purchasing a car without even seeing it, much less test driving it.

Consider Amanda, who had to fill several jobs quickly for an expansion project. An absentee manager because of her other duties, Amanda needed a diverse group of employees: a supervisor with strong leadership skills; strong self-starters who could be trained quickly and work with minimal supervision; and at least one task-oriented worker. Amanda sufficiently calculated the types of people needed for optimal job fit, and then began recruiting.

Amanda selected applicants based on job applications, resumes, and personal interviews, but she chose too quickly. She filled her available positions with good people, who didn't have appropriate job fit. This is what she found; one self-starter, four task-oriented individuals, and no supervisory stand-in. In the absence of a strong team leader, the task-oriented workers completed each day's duties speedily, but not necessarily efficiently or correctly. They often had to redo projects. The self-starter had a completely different problem: he did not fit the culture.

Amanda's speedy hiring process resulted in poor job fit. The employees were like mismatched sparkplugs, and no one ever checked under the hood. The new workers became bored, and team performance dwindled. They gossiped, which led forum sportowe to bad feelings. At the end of the day, the employees accomplished little-sometimes not even the tasks Amanda specifically assigned. The self-starter quit and the rest were frustrated. The project sputtered to a dead halt.

Amanda needed to hire people based on their attributes, as well as the job requirements to ensure positive job fit. Once people showed interest in the jobs, she needed to narrow the field by picking those whose skills fit the tasks to be completed.

Unfortunately, even the best managers can be led astray by a sparkling resume or charming chitchat. When a manger's employee selection process lacks a clear picture of the kinds of people she needs to fit the job, she hires an applicant, puts him on the job, trains him, and hopes for the best. This is where managers need luck; but luck is too often fleeting. Managerial hopes slide as the employee makes mistakes, forgets assigned duties and cannot get along with co-workers. He's not a bad worker; he just didn't have job fit- and this impacts employee engagement.

This happens because good workers are difficult to find, and when a manager finds applicants who engage them, they are often blinded by qualities that have nothing to do with the job. It happens because potential candidates sell themselves. They believe they really want the job, not realizing the lack of actual job fit.

Finding people who fit the job is not an impossible task. Employee assessments are available that provide snapshots of high-performing "sparkplugs" and tell managers what makes them good at their jobs. From that snapshot, managers can develop a profile of a superb performer and hire employees that match the profile. And because nothing performs well without preventive maintenance, it's imperative that managers constantly check under the hood.

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